Edgewater Veterinary Hospital has the ability to run blood work for liver, kidney and pancreatic function, as well as complete blood counts and electrolytes. For accuracy and consistency we send these blood profiles to a very well know and reputable veterinary laboratory. We can also determine if your dog or cat may have heartworm disease or if your cat may have an infectious disease. All kittens should be tested for Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodefiency Virus (FIV). This test should be repeated annually for all cats that have previously tested positive, go outdoors, or have symptoms. Our hospital also sees a number of heartworm positive dogs. For this reason, all dogs are tested annually with an occult (hidden) heartworm test. This also follows the guidelines set by the American Heartworm Society. Edgewater Veterinary Hospital also offers and recommends comprehensive blood work for all pets.